Opfer des Rassenwahns

Sinti & Roma Opfer des Holocausts
Belgium 600
Czechoslovakia 13.500
Estonia 1.000
France 16.000
Germany 16.000
Holland 500
Hungary 28.000
Italy 1.000
Latvia 3.500
Lithuania 1.000
Luxembourg 200
Poland 35.000
Romania 36.000
Soviet Union 30.000
Yugoslavia 40.000

Quelle: Penguin historical atlas of the Third Reich


 jüdische Opfer des  Holocausts
Albania 591
Austria 65.459
Belgium 28.518
Bulgaria 11.393
Czechoslovakia 143.000
Denmark 116
France 76.134
Germany 160.000 - 165.000
Greece 59.185
Hungary (1) 550.000
Italy 6.513
Luxembourg 1.200
Netherlands 102.000
Norway 758
Poland 2.700.000
Romania (2) 120.919
Soviet Union 2.100.000
Yugoslavia 60.000 - 65.000
  6.185.786 - 6.195.786
1. Including territories annexed from Slovakia and Romania in 1941
2. Excluding territories annexed by Hungary in 1941

Quelle: "Dimensionen des Völkermords"  Wolfgang Benz